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ARP ESSER III Use of Funds South Coffeyville School Uploaded 8-19-21


South Coffeyville Public Schools

ARP Esser III Plan (updated 23-24)


Per the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, South Coffeyville School is eligible to receive $458,229.58  over the next 3 years to address the Impact of lost learning time due to COVID and to put in place mitigation strategies to prevent or reduce additional learning loss as a result of COVID or other pandemic situations.

Through on-going consultation with our stakeholders, including staff, parents, students, community members, tribal representatives, and health professionals, South Coffeyville School will review, revise, and update our Use of Funds Plan and Safe Return, and Continuity of Services Plan to adapt to changing information so that we can meet our students’ and families’ academic, social-emotional, physical, and nutritional needs.


  1.  Prevention and Mitigation Strategies

See our Safe Return & Continuity of Services Plan for detailed information related to each of the following:

  1. Educational Option Available to Students/Families
  2. Coordination with Health Agencies
  3. Continuity of Services (Educational, Nutritional, Social-Emotional, etc)
  4. Illness and Attendance
  5. Masks/Face Coverings
  6. Social Distancing
  7. Handwashing, Respiratory Etiquette, & Water Bottles
  8. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities


            2.    Addressing Academic Impact of Lost Instructional Time

                        A minimum of 20% of ARP funds must be used for evidenced-based approaches to address the academic impact of instructional time that has been lost since Spring 2020. South Coffeyville School plans to use these funds to provide:

  1. After School Tutoring_ students identified as significantly below grade level in reading/literacy and/or math skills will be offered intensive, small group instruction 2-3 hours per week during 2nd, 3rd, & 4th 9 weeks or until performing at grade level as determined by a nationally normed assessment.
  2. Summer School Programs- all K-8th grade students will be offered summer academic programs to help prepare them for the next school year; reduce summer learning loss; and/or remediate grade level deficits.
  3. Regular Day Assistance- additional assistance in the form of small group instruction, aides within the classroom to help facilitate and support learning, and/or additional class time built into schedule for math or literacy lessons.
  4. On-line Academic Programs- such as IXL and Accelerated Reader that students can access both during and outside school hours to accelerate their learning.


 3. Use of Remaining Funds ($134,419.28)

            South Coffeyville School will use remaining funds in the following ways:

  1. Provide additional support beyond the required 20% of funds to address academic learning loss (as described above)
  2. Purchase technology equipment and services to allow for distance learning when necessary (Chromebooks, Hotspots, and monthly service fees, Document Cameras, etc.)





4. Ensure Interventions respond to academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of students especially those in specific demographic groups (low income, homeless, disabilities, etc.)


        South Coffeyville School will use a data-driven approach to measure intervention effectiveness and to ensure interventions are adaptive to changing student needs.  Through Benchmark Assessments in Reading and Math and on-going progress monitoring (NWEA Maps Testing, and IXL Diagnostics), data teams will meet weekly to examine student academic progress and adapt educational plans to provide for remediation and continuous growth.  Data teams and school counselors/psychologists will work closely together to assess and monitor student social-emotional needs so that the need for mental health supports can be identified and provided in a timely and on-going manner.