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2021-2022 School Reopening Plan

South Coffeyville Safe Return and Continuity of Services Plan SY 2023-2024


District Leadership Team:


School Board Members


School Nurse

School School Resource Officer

Health and Safety Committee Members

Family Members and Community Representatives


The following two options are for potential scenarios that may impact South Coffeyville School Operations for potential school closures. These scenarios include continuing to have onsite learning with adaptations to secure safety of staff and students, short-term closures of a few days, mid-term closures of a few weeks and longer-term closures. These conditions may be from scenarios in response to pandemic situations (i.e. coronavirus), natural disasters (i.e. tornados), building facility fire or flood that prevents safe entry or general operations of a school.


The School Website as well as school Facebook page will be the way to post updates to any situation, as well as School Messenger that can send out Email, text messages, and reach parent(s) by phone.


Option 1                    ONSITE LEARNING

South Coffeyville Public School prefers onsite learning whenever possible. We know that social interaction with peers and staff is important for preparation of living in a connected world; we also want students to have Immediate access to libraries, materials and tech support. We know that continuity of services for all students, including those with disabilities, is important to students’ academic success and their emotional well-being.


Should CDC recommend safety recommendations be followed, the following will be immediately addressed:


  • Traditional classroom setting with safety precautions set in place (i.e. make available PPE, students and staff following CDC School Guidance for Covid precautions. Put in place social distancing in the areas where groups are common (i.e. bathrooms, hallways, cafeteria, gymnasium, classrooms such as science lab and consumer science kitchen area);
  • Encourage students and staff with handwashing and respiratory etiquette by posting signs and reminders; 
  • Teachers will continue to open windows and doors leading to the outside for additional ventilation;
  • For students who are identified as positive for illness such as coronavirus, current CDC recommendations will be followed.

Each student who needs to quarantine will have a chromebook assigned to them.



No students should arrive at the facility prior to 7:45 a.m. Weather permitting, students who arrive prior to 8:00 a.m. will be kept outside with supervision or may go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Arrival after 8:15 needs to be at the main entrance of either building.

  • Prek-5th                     Main Doors
  • 6th-12th                     Main HS Doors (Morning), Closest Exit from last class




CDC social distancing guidelines are followed in the cafeteria.



Student lunch times are staggered to provide adequate availability to social distance per CDC guidelines.





It is important that all families and staff partner with us in monitoring health. We ask that students and staff take their temperatures on a daily basis at home prior to coming on campus. No student or staff with a fever higher than 100.4 degrees or higher may enter any SCPS facility. No fever reducing medication may be taken to reduce fever.


More specific descriptions of the plan to put in place if CDC Guidance suggests it for schools in Nowata, Oklahoma County are as follows:



If a student exhibits a fever of 100.4 degrees or greater while at school, they must immediately be picked up from school. They cannot return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine. All pick-up of ill students will take place in the main office at each building. If symptoms continue longer than 24 hours, please consult your doctor or local health department to the extent practical.



South Coffeyville Schools will use CDC guidelines in determining mask regulations that fit the current situation.



There will be procedures for social distancing guidelines. Transportation vehicles will be frequently cleaned and disinfected.



Classroom desks and common seating areas will be arranged to maximize space between students. Rooms will be cleaned daily,



Student and staff restrooms will be frequently cleaned and disinfected daily. Hand sanitizer will be required when returning to school.



Students will use new Retrofitting water bottle fill stations.
Students must provide their own bottle.



Visitors and volunteers procedures have returned to normal for the 23-24 school year. Should there be an outbreak of Covid we will return to limited visitors and volunteers.



Open House and Parent Conferences will be held in person unless otherwise recommended by CDC.



Should the number of Covid cases increase, the number of fans or participants will be limited to provide for social distancing. A ticketed procedure will be put in place to ensure the safety of those allowed to attend should limited seating need to be put in place.


Option 2       




South Coffeyville will use Option 2 only if CDC recommends it or if a scenario such as flood, fire, building maintenance requires a temporary closure of the facility. The following procedures will take place if Option 2 is necessary:

  • The standards will be the same for all students regardless if they are on-site or remote learning platforms.
  • A teacher must make daily contact with each remote learner.
  • The parent must sign off on a daily log attesting to the time a student spends on school work.
  • Students MUST document and submit at least 6 hours daily of engagement time in lessons and submit each week.
  • Students will be required to have DAILY contact with the teacher.
  • Remote learners will remain South Coffeyville School students and receive their instruction/services from district instructors and staff remotely.
  • Students and parents will have the option to choose remote learning as needed.
  • All remote learning will be done through Google Classroom.
  • Student workload will be the same as in person.
  • Students can meet with teachers by appointment.
  • Students will be able to access online software portals normally provided during regular on-site school days.
  • Remote learners can arrange for parents to pick up free breakfast and lunch, until the National School Lunch Program removes this option and then the  Free, reduced, and full pay eligibility will apply unless .


This is a fluid situation. Rules and practice may change/evolve as situations and circumstances change. The District Administration will coordinate with State and Local Health officials to maintain the health and safety of the staff and students at South Coffeyville School District.







comment posted by Karla Bauer on 06-22-2021
Plan publicly posted on 6/22/21
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